A newborn female presented with multiple congenital anomalies including facial dysmorphism, agenesis of the corpus callosum, type I laryngeal cleft, tracheal stenosis, bilaterally small kidneys, segmental vertebral anomalies, extranumerary rib, bilateral hip dislocation, digital anomalies, and growth retardation. Newborn aneuploidy detection (NAD) based on interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) indicated monosomy 13 in 47 of 200 (23.5%) peripheral blood cells (normal cutoff 8.5% at 95% CI). The follow-up banded metaphase-based analysis of 20 cells revealed a karyotype of 46,XX. The analysis of 30 additional cells revealed one cell to have monosomy 13 and a small ring chromosome. In the abnormal cell line, the ring was positive for whole chromosome paint (wcp) 13 and negative for Rb1 (13q14.3). The ring was detected in 4% of 80 additional metaphases studied by FISH. Therefore, the ring was present in 4% (5/130) of metaphases from peripheral blood. Analysis of buccal cells by FISH indicated the ring was present in 36% of cells. A higher degree of mosaicism (60%) was detected in fibroblast cultures from a skin biopsy. The low-level mosaicism of ring 13 in metaphase cells from peripheral blood would have been missed if the standard 20 GTL-banded metaphases had been analyzed. In this case, a preliminary interphase FISH study had indicated monosomy 13 resulting from a large 13q deletion that included the Rb1 locus. This finding initiated the analysis of additional metaphases by GTL-banding and the analysis of metaphases and interphases by FISH. The clinical presentation of our patient was consistent with reported cases of 13q deletions. In addition, our patient had airway anomalies, including a type I laryngeal cleft and tracheal stenosis, which are previously unreported.