“… 1 – 6 Physicians are generally most familiar with the facial appearance and intellectual disability associated with Down syndrome. However, Down syndrome has also been associated with numerous ophthalmologic manifestations, 7 – 12 including patterns of strabismus, 13 , 14 amblyopia, 15 , 16 nystagmus, 17 , 18 nasolacrimal duct obstruction (NLDO), 19 , 20 keratoconus, 21 , 22 eyelid abnormalities, 8 , 23 , 24 cataract, 25 , 26 optic nerve abnormalities, 27 glaucoma, 28 – 30 and retinal abnormalities. 7 , 31 Whenever appropriate, epidemiology, presentation, mechanisms, and management of these manifestations will be discussed.…”