SUMMARYOptic coherence tomography is a novel imaging method which can demonstrate biological tissue layers by getting high resolution sections. This technique measures delay time and intensity of ~800 nm wavelenght infrared light which is transmitted to and reflected from different tissue layers. It gives cross sectional images of tissues similar to but with much higher resolution (1-15 µm) than ultrasonography. OCT method was first described by Fujimoto et al from Massachusettes Institue of Technology. Then its use in ophthalmology and in neurology were described. Especially with today's OCT technology resolution is enhanced and differentiating ganglion cell komplex (GCC) (RNFL, GCL, IPL) from other parts of retina is now possible. Another parameter that can be measured with OCT is choroidal thickness. Choroid is among the most vascularized tissues in human body and it has important roles in oxygenization and nutrition of outer retina, temperature regulation of the retina, arrangement of the position of retina, disposition of waste products from retina, and release of growth factors. Thus, any vascular pathology can cause choroidal thinning.Psychiatric use of OCT is relatively new, and few studies have been performed. This studies have also yielded heterogeneous results. Our aim this review elucidates the method of OCT and the retina's role as a "window to the brain". Furthermore, in delineating the degenerative components of psychiatric disorder, we discuss the possible applications of OCT in the psychiatric disorder population.Key Words: Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, Major Depression, OCT
ÖZETOptik koherens tomografi (OKT); biyolojik doku katmanlarýný, yüksek çözünürlükte tomografik kesitler alarak görüntüleyen, yeni bir týbbi görüntüleme yöntemidir. Dokulara gönderilen ve farklý doku katmanlarýndan geri yansýyan ~800 nm dalga boyundaki infrared ýþýðýn yansýma gecikme zamanýný ve þiddetini ölçerek, dokularýn ve patolojilerinin ultasonografiye benzer bir þekilde ama ondan çok daha yüksek çözünürlükte (1-15 mikron (µm)) kesit görüntülerinin alýnmasýna olanak tanýr. OKT tekniði ilk olarak, Massachusettes Teknoloji Enstitüsü'nde (MIT) fizik profesörü Fujimoto ve ekibi tarafýndan tanýmlan-mýþtýr. Daha sonra oftalmoloji ve nörolojide kullanýmý tanýmlanmýþtýr.Özellikle bugünün OKT teknolojisinde çözünürlüðü artýrýlmýþ ve retinanýn diðer tabakalarýndan, ganglion hücre kompleksini (GHT) (RSLT, GHT,IPT) farklýlaþtýrmak mümkündür. OKT ile ölçülebilen diðer bir yapýda koroid kalýnlýktýr. Koroid insan vücudundaki en çok vaskülariza-syona sahip dokulardan biri olup dýþ retinanýn oksijenizasyon ve beslenmesinde, retinanýn ýsý regülasyonunda, retinanýn pozisyonel durumunda, retinal artýk maddelerin uzaklaþtýrýlmasýnda ve büyüme faktörlerinin salgýlanmasýnda önemli görevler üstlenir. Yani damarsal ya da kan akýmýný etkileyen patolojilerde koroid yapýsýnda incelme gözlenir.Psikiyatride OKT 'nin kullanýmý nispeten yenidir ve çok az çalýþma yapýlmýþtýr. Bu çalýþmalarda ayný zamanda heterojen sonuçlar vermiþtir. Bu derlemede b...