The purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness of the exchange of knowledge between classmates and the teacher in the framework of interactive music education. This goal was achieved with the help of the questionnaire method, which involved measuring the effectiveness of schoolchildren's progress and the coefficient of effectiveness of the knowledge gained. The study was attended by 120 students from three music schools in Beijing. It was found that the greatest effectiveness of interactive learning can be achieved by taking into account the following elements: the development of communication skills, the creation of a comfortable atmosphere in the classroom, the formation of teamwork, the use of modern multimedia technologies and the involvement of highly qualified teachers. After a year of study, 39% of rising musicians showed an improvement in communication skills and 32% developed their creative skills. The performance of four interactive groups turned out to be highly efficient. The results of the study are of scientific value for teachers who ensure the effectiveness of the knowledge gained.
RESUMENEl objetivo de este estudio es determinar la efectividad del intercambio de conocimientos entre alumnos y profesor/a en el marco de la educación musical interactiva. Para alcanzar este objetivo, se utilizó el método del cuestionario para medir la efectividad del progreso del alumnado y el coeficiente de efectividad de los conocimientos adquiridos. En el estudio participaron 120 alumnos de tres centros de educación musical de Pekín. Los resultados revelaron que el mayor nivel de efectividad del aprendizaje interactivo se consigue teniendo en cuenta los siguientes elementos: el desarrollo de la capacidad de comunicación, la creación de un ambiente distendido y cómodo en la clase, la creación de trabajo de equipo, el uso de tecnologías multimedia modernas y la participación de docentes altamente cualificados. Tras un año de ARTICLE HISTORY