This research is inserted in the intersection among developmental psychology, environmental psychology and school / educational psychology, and has the goal to investigate how the processes of constitution of the countryside teacher subject are built in the teaching practice, in relation to the appropriation of the space in which they operate. We start from the thesis that the constitution of countryside school teachers, through their teaching activity, is conditioned, among other elements, to the ways in which they mean and appropriate the rural space. The participants were three teachers who took classes for the first time in schools located in the countryside-two located in districts and one on a farm. The empirical material was constructed during a school year and had as instruments: three individual interviews (at the beginning of the year, beginning and end of the second school semester), a commented path from the teacher's house to the school (carried out in the first school semester), two itineraries, with the school as the starting point (one per school semester), and observations of the teaching practice throughout the year, with the realization of a project, at the request of the researchers, that articulated the teaching practice to the space in which the school was located. The analysis was developed in order to articulate the different determinants involved in the processes of constitution of the subject, appropriation of space and teaching activity. The determinants that constituted the categories of analysis were meanings constructed by the participants and observations made by the researcher on: the life history of teachers, the space, the subjects of the space, the working conditions and the teaching practice. These elements permeate both the appropriation of space by the teachers, involving affective, cognitive and volitional elements, as well as the constitution of the teachers, considering the relationship with space and with the developed teaching practice. The results indicate that the insertion of the three teachers in pedagogy and teaching was involuntary and not due to a professional choice; the absence of Countryside Education in the experience of the teachers, whether in college or at school; the meanings about space and about the subjects are intertwined, being assigned to the space characteristics placed as of the subjects; the space most directly experienced was that of the school, there being no identification relationships with the surrounding spaces; the appropriation of space took place in two main ways, the direct and socially mediated experience by the subjects of the space; the inclusion of teachers by temporary contracts favors the breaking of links at the end of the contract; schools more open to educational practices developed by the teachers contributed to an openness to the space and culture of the students; the initiatives of articulation between formal and local knowledge came from the attempts and mistakes of the teachers, and not from initiatives linked to the pedago...