We describe presenting clinical and imaging manifestations of SARS-CoV-19-associated rhino-oculo-cerebral mucormycosis (ROCM) in a hospital setting during the second wave of SARS-CoV-19 pandemic in India. Data on the presenting manifestations was collected from March 01 to May 31, 2021. Associations between clinical and imaging findings were explored, specifically: (1) the presence or absence of orbital pain and infiltration of superior orbital fissure on imaging; (2) the presence of unilateral facial nerve palsy and pterygopalatine fossa infiltration and geniculate ganglion signal on contrast magnetic resonance imaging and (3) vision loss and optic nerve findings on imaging. Orbital pain was reported by six of 36 subjects. A fixed, frozen eye with proptosis and congestion was documented in 26 (72%), complete vision loss in 23 (64%) and a unilateral lower motor neuron facial nerve palsy in 18 (50%). No association was found between the presence of orbital pain and superior orbital fissure infiltration on imaging. The ipsilateral geniculate ganglion was found to enhance more profoundly in seven out of 11 subjects with facial palsy and available MR imaging, and the ipsilateral pterygopalatine fossa was found infiltrated in 14. Among 23 subjects with complete loss of vision, nine (39%) demonstrated long-segment bright signal in posterior optic nerve on diffusion MR images. We conclude that orbital pain might be absent in SARS-CoV-19-associated ROCM. Facial nerve palsy is more common than previously appreciated and ishaemic lesions of the posterior portion of the optic nerve underlie complete vision loss.