A B S T R A C T The suppression of collagen production by increasing the cyclic (c)AMP content ofcultured cells was examined vis-a-vis the f3-adrenergic system. Cultured human fetal lung fibroblasts incubated for 6 h with the f-agonists isoproterenol or epinephrine produced -30% less collagen per cell than in the absence of the hormones. To demonstrate that the ,B-agonists were operating by their interaction with the ,8-receptor to stimulate adenylate cyclase to increase the intracellular content of cAMP, d-and l-isoproterenol were incubated separately with the cultured cells. Only l-isoproterenol increased intracellular cAMP and decreased collagen production. While 20 nM l-isoproterenol was effective, the d-isomer was ineffective even at 2,M. An increase in cAMP from 40 to 73 pmol/mg protein was effective in suppressing collagen production; increasing the cAMP content to much higher levels had little additional effect on collagen production. 3-Isobutyl-l-methylxanthine, an analog of theophylline that inhibits phosphodiesterase, potentiated the effect of isoproterenol in suppressing collagen production. Further support for the concept that isoproterenol suppressed collagen production by acting through the ,8-receptor was provided by the finding that only the i-isomer of propranolol, a ,8-blocker, was effective in blocking both the increase in intracellular cAMP and the suppression of collagen production caused by isoproterenol. These results demonstrate that collagen production in human fibroblasts can be regulated by the 18-adrenergic system and indicate that when the cAMP content is increased beyond a threshold value, collagen production is suppressed. Since collagen production is sensitive to the small changes of Received for publication 29 May 1980 and in revised form 26 November 1980. in cultured cells, the results point to a possibly important mechanism for the regulation of collagen production in the body. INTRODUCTION Collagen is the major extracellular protein in connective tissues and is present to varying extents in all organs of the body (1-3). In most organs, fibroblasts are the major collagen-producing cells. Normally, fibroblasts from tissues such as skin and lung rigidly control the quantity of collagen they produce at 2-4% of their total protein production (4-6). It is known, however, that collagen production by fibroblasts can be influenced by numerous environmental factors, including hormones, metabolites, and pharmacologic agents (7-10). In addition, recent studies have shown that prostaglandins and cholera toxin dramatically elevate fibroblast cyclic AMP content and suppress collagen production in fibroblasts (11).In vivo, the cyclic AMP content of cells is controlled, in part, by the 1-adrenergic system (12). Since collagen production by fibroblasts has been shown to be inversely correlated with the cyclic AMP Serum Co., Denver, Colo.), penicillin 100 U/ml, streptomycin 100,ug/ml (both from Grand Island Biological, Grand Island, N. Y.), and 0.06% glutamine as previously described (6,...