Latar belakang: Celah bibir dengan atau tanpa celah lelangit merupakan abnormalitas perkembangan kraniofasial yang paling sering terjadi. Kelainan ini bisa unilateral atau bilateral, dan mungkin disertai dengan anomali kongenital lain. Celah bibir bilateral berpotensi mengubah struktur dan bentuk wajah serta menyebabkan gangguan dalam perkembangan makan, bicara, gigi geligi, dan kosmetik. Celah bibir selalu disertai dengan deformitas hidung, termasuk pada kasus celah bibir inkomplit. Mulliken adalah pionir yang melakukan perbaikan celah bibir bilateral dan rinoplasti primer dalam satu tahap operasi. Tujuan: Mengetahui keberhasilan operasi celah bibir inkomplit bilateral dan rinoplasti primer dengan teknik modifikasi Mulliken. Laporan kasus: Dilaporkan satu kasus celah bibir inkomplit bilateral pada anak laki-laki usia 7 bulan yang ditatalaksana dengan teknik modifikasi Mulliken. Metode: Telaah literatur berbasis bukti mengenai perbaikan celah bibir inkomplit bilateral dan rinoplasti primer dengan teknik modifikasi Mulliken melalui database Cochrane library, Pubmed Medline, dan hand searching. Hasil: Pertumbuhan nasal tip projection, nasal width, columellar length, upper lip height, cutaneous lip height, dan vermilion-mucosal height mendekati nilai normal. Kesimpulan: Prosedur celah bibir inkomplit bilateral disertai rinoplasti primer dengan teknik modifikasi Mulliken memberikan hasil yang baik. Introduction: Cleft lip with or without cleft palate is the most common disorder of craniofacial development. This disorder could be occurred unilaterally or bilaterally, and sometimes were also accompanied by other type of congenital disorders. Bilateral cleft lip potentially could change the face structure and shape, causing interference in eating, speech, dental development, and aesthetics. Cleft lip always occurred with nasal deformity, even in incomplete cleft lip. Mulliken is a pioneer in performing a repair in bilateral cleft lip and primary rhinoplasty altogether at the same time. Purpose: To find out the result of surgery procedure in bilateral incomplete cleft lip and primary rhinoplasty using Mulliken modification technique. Case report: A bilateral incomplete cleft lip case in a 7 months old boy and managed by Mulliken modification technique. Method: Evidence based literature study of bilateral incomplete cleft lip and primary rhinoplasty with Mulliken modification technique through Cochrane library, Pubmed Medline, and hand searching. Result: The growth of nasal tip projection, nasal width, collumellar length, upper lip height, cutaneus lip height, and vermilion mucous height were close to normal size. Conclusion: Procedure of bilateral incomplete cleft lip and primary rhinoplasty repair using Mulliken modification technique delivered a good outcome.