In this study, we have evaluated the capacity of recombimorphological profiles of transduced cells were consistnant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) vectors, containing cell ently neuronal, and there was no evidence of transgene type-specific promoters, to transduce neurons in vivo in the expression in glial elements. Transduction efficiencies for normal adult rat spinal cord. The neuron-specific enolase the NSE and PDGF rAAVs were estimated at 15 and 45 (NSE) promoter and the platelet-derived growth factor infectious particles per GFP-positive neuron, respectively, (PDGF) B-chain promoter were used to direct expression in the absence of detectable adenovirus. This study of a 'humanized' form of the gene for green fluorescent strongly supports a role for rAAV vectors in CNS gene therprotein (GFP). Neuron-specific rAAVs were injected into apy and lays the groundwork for delivery of more functional the mid-cervical regions of adult rat spinal cords. At genes to spinal cord neurons as a possible way to enhance 10-14 days, expression was detected in all animals and spinal cord repair following injury. persisted for up to 15 weeks. Immunocytochemical and