“…As the first decade of a new millennium is at midpoint, it is understandable that we reflect on the future and direction of Black studies-indeed, should not all disciplines? Scholars in the field have, however, consistently discussed the way forward in terms of curricula, theory, methodology, terminology, and substance (Aldridge, 1992;Anderson, 1990;Asante, 2005;Asante & Karenga, 2006;Bankole, 2004;Christian, 1996Christian, , 1998Christian, , 2001Christian, , 2004Christian, , 2006Conyers, 1997;Evans, 2006;Hudson-Weems, 1993, in press;Jones, Dixon, & Umoja, 2005;Karenga, 2000Karenga, , 2002Marable, 2000Marable, , 2005Stewart, 1979;Turner, 1984;Williams, 1993).…”