The article outlines the data on longevity factors and mountain water in factorial research of phenomenon of longevity in mountainous and field areas of Bulgaria. It was established the dependence among various internal and external factors on a phenomenon of longevity -the residence area, health status, gender and heredity. Natural waters derived from various Bulgarian water springs as well as water with varying deuterium content and the human blood serum of cancer patients were investigated by IR, NES and DNES methods. As estimation factor was measured the values of the average energy of hydrogen bonds (∆E H...O) among H2O molecules, as well as local maxima in the IR, and DNES-spectra of various samples of water and human blood serum at ∆EH...O = -0,1387 eV (the DNES-method) and λ = 8,95 μm (the IR-method). The increased content of deuterium in water leads to physiological, morphological and cytology alterations of the cell, and also renders negative influence on cellular metabolism, while deuterium depleted water with the reduced deuterium content until the deep removal of deuterium (60-100 ppm) has
124Russian Journal of Biological Research, 2015, Vol. (5), Is. 3 beneficial effects on human health. For a group of people in critical condition of life and patients with malignant tumors the greatest values of local maxima in DNES-spectra are shifted to lower energies relative to the control group.Keywords: deuterium, heavy water, deuterium depleted water, longevity, mountain water, IR, NES, DNES.
IntroductionThe question of longevity has always been an exciting one for humanity. Aging is a biological process, which leads to reduction of the vital functions of the body, limiting its adaptive capacities, and development of age-related pathologies and ultimately increasing the likelihood of death, is a part of the normal ontogeny and is caused by the same processes that lead to increased functional activity of various body systems in earlier periods of life. It is possible that these processes along with other processes (growth and development of the organism, etc.) are programmed in the human genome and biological mechanism of regulation. The question to what extent aging is dependent on heredity is not sufficiently proven in modern science.Like other biological processes, aging is accelerated under the influence of certain exogenous and endogenous factors and occurs in different individuals with different speed, which depends on genetic differences and environmental factors. The best chance for longevity gives the longevity of immediate direct genetic ancestors. That is why the direct descendants of centenarians generally have the best chances for longevity. O. Burger demonstrated that life expectancy has increased substantially from the 19 th to the 20 th century and that this cannot be advantageously associated with the human genome [1]. The main factors of longevity are water quality, food and improved advancement of medicine. For example, in Bulgaria the average life expectancy from 1935 to 1939 wa...