Temperature dependence of the work function of the Zr ∕ O ∕ W ( 100 ) Schottky electron source in typical operating conditions and its effect on beam brightness Experimental evaluation of the extended Schottky model for ZrO/W electron emission A computer modeling program that is able to imitate the polyhedral shape of the ZrO/W(100) Schottky cathode is used to compute emission parameters such as the electric field distribution and reduced brightness B r for the various observed end form shapes. This program includes the electron-electron interactions in the beam and their effect on B r . A relationship between the axial field factor b ¼ F/V e and the axial lens factor K ¼ (I 0 /J) 1/2 (where F, V e , I 0 , and J are the applied electric field, extraction voltage, beam angular intensity, and surface current density, respectively) was obtained from the data which allow b, K, and the work function to be calculated from experimental I 0 (V e ) data. In addition, an empirical relation, independent of the end form shapes, was obtained that allows B r to be calculated from the intrinsic reduced brightness. Experimental energy distribution measurements are presented which allows one to compare the energy spread and B r values for emitters with various values of b. An empirical relation, also independent of the end form shape, showing the Boersch contribution to the energy spread to be a function of b and J was obtained from the data thereby allowing the axial energy spread to be calculated from I 0 (V e ) data.