“…58 Anne-Marie Brady, Making the Foreign Serve China: Managing Foreigners in the People's Republic, Rowman and Littlefield, Maryland, 2003, 8. 59 See Herbert Passin, Chinese Cultural Diplomacy; Nathan White, 'People's Diplomacy: its use by China to influence Japan 1949-76', Journal of Contemporary China, 3, 1979Allen Whiting, China Eyes Japan, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1989;Margaret Fisher and Joan Bondurant, 'The Impact of Communist China on Visitors from India ', Far Eastern Quarterly, 15, 2, 1956; Anne-Marie Brady, Managing Foreigners; Josh Kurlantzick, Charm Offensive, where these terms are used virtually interchangeably to describe the same activities. See also 'Cultural Diplomacy: The Linchpin of Public Diplomacy', Report of the Advisory Committee on Cultural Diplomacy, U.S. Department of State, September 2005. looked at it have tended to use definitions that strongly suggest Chinese or communist exceptionalism:…”