on behalf of the CMS CollaborationLarge heavy flavor enriched data sets are being accumulated by the CMS experiment in different collision environments and energies provided by the LHC. These offer robust probes for testing the standard model and potentially reaching beyond it. In this report I concentrate on recent production measurements in proton-proton, ion-ion and proton-ion collisions. These allow to probe the underlying QCD mechanisms of hadron formation and the properties of QCD matter under extreme temperatures.
Heavy quark probesNuno Leonardo CMS is a general purpose detector at the LHC [1]. In addition to collecting data at the highest energies, which allow for probing the electroweak and symmetry breaking sector and searching for new heavy particles directly, exploring the energy frontier, the experiment also accumulates sizeable datasets at lower energies, exploring the luminosity frontier. In this regard, and in addition to joining ATLAS in the high-p T front, CMS complements the experiments dedicated to the study of b hadrons, LHCb, and of heavy-ion collisions, ALICE. Owing to robust and flexible tracking, muon, and trigger systems and the ability to efficiently explore the highest LHC luminosities and the different collision systems, CMS is making significant and unique contributions to the heavy flavor (HF) realm. We report briefly on recent HF production results in pp, pPb and PbPb collisions.Hadronic systems involving heavy quarks, b and c, provide a suitable laboratory in which to study Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). Measurements of differential production cross sections have been performed for S-wave quarkonia [2] and B + mesons [3] with initial Run2 data at 13 TeV, which extend similar measurements that had been performed at 7 TeV. The smaller pp dataset collected at 5 TeV has allowed corresponding measurements of J. Similar results having been performed for the quarkonium states also at 2.76 TeV, these allow a study of the √ s dependence of the production cross sections. The heavier B c meson has also been probed [10]. Polarization measurements have been performed for the Swave quarkonium states at 7 TeV, and also for the Λ b baryon [11]. Associated production of heavy flavor with other states provide a complementary view that is also explored, e.g. double quarkonia J/ψ + J/ψ [12] and ϒ(1S) + ϒ(1S) [13], ψ+jets [14], and W + charm [15].The bottomonium system plays a special role for an improved understanding of underlying production mechanisms that has been extensively explored in Run1 [16]. With the Run2 data an higher p T region has been probed for S-wave states and enough yields also exist to study P-wave states. The χ b,J (3P) triplet (J = 0, 1, 2) is interesting in particular for allowing to infer how its properties are affected by the proximity to the open beauty (BB) threshold. The merged states had been observed by ATLAS [17] earlier in Run1 (the first newly observed state at the LHC). Using an integrated luminosity of 80 f b −1 collected during Run2, CMS has reported the observation...