DOI: 10.1364/ome.447398
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Review of integrated magneto-optical isolators with rare-earth iron garnets for polarization diverse and magnet-free isolation in silicon photonics [Invited]

Abstract: Passive optical isolators are needed in silicon photonics but unavailable due to challenges in rare-earth iron garnet processing and integration. Material challenges include incompatibility with silicon and high annealing temperatures, and design challenges include a need for polarization diversity and a preference for no external magnetic bias. These challenges have restricted optical isolation to discrete modules that require physical pick and place of bulk garnet pieces. This review presents developments in… Show more

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Cited by 32 publications
(14 citation statements)
References 86 publications
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“…Optical devices traditionally achieve non-reciprocity using magneto-optical materials which induce a non-reciprocal Faraday rotation [146]. While chip-scale isolators and circulators using magneto-optic garnets [147] have demonstrated large 30 dB isolation over a wide 16 nm 10-dB bandwidth [148], these devices are challenging to integrate into PICs [149].…”
Section: H Non-reciprocal Devicesmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Optical devices traditionally achieve non-reciprocity using magneto-optical materials which induce a non-reciprocal Faraday rotation [146]. While chip-scale isolators and circulators using magneto-optic garnets [147] have demonstrated large 30 dB isolation over a wide 16 nm 10-dB bandwidth [148], these devices are challenging to integrate into PICs [149].…”
Section: H Non-reciprocal Devicesmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Brillouin microwave processors require integration of circulators with isolation in the order of 30 dB to separate the Brillouin pump and probe. As discussed in Section IV, magneto-optical materials are difficult to implement in chipscale devices, which leads to fabrication complexities [147]. Hence, acousto-optic non-reciprocal devices based on the same materials used in the MWP processor are an attractive alternative.…”
Section: B Integrated Platforms and Rf Link Performancementioning
confidence: 99%
“…Nonreciprocal optical devices have been demonstrated in several other photonic integrated circuit platforms by using three main methods: magnetic biasing 12 , optical nonlinearity 13 , and spatiotemporal modulation 14 . Magnetic biasing is attractive due to its broadband nature but requires the integration of magneto-optical materials, which is a challenging fabrication process and can induce relatively high optical losses 15 .…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Commercial magnetic isolators provide a 40 dB isolation ratio with a negligible insertion loss (less than 1 dB), and a remarkable even if underappreciated fact is that they consume no power. But these modulators are relatively long (few centimeters) and thus cannot be easily integrated into photonic circuits at this point, although the situation may change as there is a strong ongoing effort to develop integrated magneto-optic devices, which I briefly consider toward the end of this work. Thus, there exists a window of opportunity for integrated nonmagnetic nonreciprocal devices and whether this opportunity will be successfully exploited depends on whether performance of the time-modulated devices can approach system requirements in terms of high degree of isolation, low insertion loss, wide bandwidth, small footprint, and crucially, low power consumption.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%