(Amer and Daim, 2010). It has also been utilised in the renewable energy sector, to assist in filtering alternative technology options in order to support energy policy formulation, energy security and energy independence, among others (Amer and Daim, 2010).Roadmapping consists of two main components: the roadmapping process, which is generally the application; and the roadmap, which is the output of the application (Carvalho et al., 2013). Roadmaps are useful in answering three key questions, as summarised in Table 1. Generally, the visioning question, of 'where we want to go', comes first and determines what will be relevant in the present (Kamtsiou, 2014). These questions can further be represented in a framework -as shown in Generally, there is no standardized approach, methods and tools for developing a roadmap in the public domain; and most of the individual company roadmaps are fragmented and inaccessible (Amer and Daim, 2010). Amer and Daim (2010), however, recommend that the overall goal and objective of a roadmap should guide the choice of an appropriate method and approach to develop a roadmap.This paper therefore reviewed the literature and identified the approaches, methods and tools that have been utilised in roadmapping. This informed the development of the conceptual framework and the choice of the approaches that were utilised for facilitating integration of solar aided power generation within South African energy policy. Solar aided power generation involves the integration of solar thermal and fossil fuel plant technology in order to account for the environmental benefit of the renewable energy technology and the scale, efficiency and reliability of the fossil fuel technology (Pierce et al., 2013).The paper is organised in five sections. Section 2 reviews the literature on the approaches and methods for developing a roadmap. Section 3 uses the literature review to develop a conceptual framework that was applied to provide the initial analysis for the roadmapping of solar aided power generation technology. Section 4 then presents the solar aided power generation case study and the analysis undertaken. Finally, Section 5 presents conclusions and recommendations for integrating solar aided power generation in South Africa.
Literature review
Overview of roadmapsWithin the field of technology management, roadmapping has proved to be a useful tool for strategic and operational decision-making and Carvalho et al. (2013) and Phaal and Muller (2009)
Question DescriptionWhere are we going? This represents the vision, mission, objectives, goals and targets that the roadmap will be achieving.Where are we now? This represents the current state of technology development, products and market development.How can we get there? This represents the policy measures, action plans, research and development programs and strategies (both long-and short-term) that need to be implemented to achieve the vision, goals, objectives.