Background: Menorrhagia interferes with the woman's physical, social, emotional, and/or material quality of life. Antifibrinolytic drugs are effective in decreasing excessive menstrual bleeding. The objective of this study was to compare the effects of tranexamic acid and ethamsylate on quality of life in women with menorrhagia. Methods: The 50 women with menorrhagia were randomised to receive either tranexamic acid or ethamsylate. Twenty five patients were allocated to receive tranexamic acid 500 mg six hourly, and 25 patients to receive ethamsylate 500 mg six hourly. Among the parameters measured by the MIQ were impairment in social activities, work performance, physical activities, productivity, hygienic condition, psychological condition. Health-related quality-of-life question scores (MIQ scores) at baseline and after treatment were calculated as mean for tranexamic acid group and ethamsylate group. Results: Tranexamic acid and ethamsylate treatment groups showed mean improvement in MIQ scores compared to baseline. However, the total mean score was higher in tranexamic acid group compared to ethamsylate group after three treatment cycles (21 Vs 17). Conclusions: Use of tranexamic acid and ethamsylate improved health-related quality of life in patients with menorrhagia. Tranexamic acid showed better improvement in health-related quality of life compared to ethamsylate in patients with menorrhagia. [Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol 2012; 1(2.000): 85-90