The use of plastic is now inseparable from human life, ranging from the use of plastic bags, furniture, tableware, toys, electronic products are even used in building construction. Plastic consumption per capita in Indonesia has reached 17 kilograms every year with consumption growth reached 6-7 percent every year. Problem plastic waste is not only happening in the world or national scale but also occur in the area. As was the case in one of the districts in Madura Island, which is in Bangkalan. Plastic recycling is required to utilize plastic waste that is thrown away and pollute the environment to be a product of value and worth sales.Dalam wears this study, the machines used are machine Hot Press for recycled HDPE plastic. Design of the machine hot press is required to create a machine that can recycle plastic waste HDPE and has the advantages of portable and light. So in this study, will be produced little knowledge about the characteristics of the machine hot press is based on factors-factors and response-a response that is used. Based on advanced test Tukey, of all combinations, the best combination to produce the smallest porosity defects or products are Using temperature heating to 200 0 C, the heating time of 5 minutes and a temperature of 80 0 C. While opening the best combination to produce the best energy consumption is heating temperature 180 0 C, the heating time of 1 minute and a temperature of 500 0 C opening.