RajataBhasma (RB) is a calcined silver compound widely used by practitioners of Ayurveda for various ailments like depletion of body elements, neurological disorders, muscular dystrophy, infertility, diabetes, various infectious conditions etc. It also lowers aggravated Pitta Dosha (humor responsible for metabolism and transformation)causing inflammatory condition. Previous studies have established pharmaceutical standardization and characterization of RB but Antimicrobial susceptibility study is not attempted yet. RB was prepared by Kajjali (Black Sulphide of Mercury) as a media and subjecting for Laghu Puta. (Incineration cycle with Max temp 550 0 C) Seven Repeated Calcination cycle was followed to achieve Chief Desired Characteristics (CDC). Further the end product was tested for its Classical accomplishment tests followed by physic-chemical analysis. Antimicrobial susceptibility was studied to understand the effectiveness of RB. RB was prepared in 7Puta(Incineration cycle). All classical test for completion of the product were positive. Alcoholic extract of RB was found to be very effective against all the bacterial strains studied i.e. Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeuruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus with the diameter of zone of inhibition being 16, 22 and 22 mm respectively. RB showed moderate antibacterial activity by following disc diffusion method. However studies with different methods and solutions may be studied for better understanding of anti-microbial action of RB.