An innovative sapphire whispering gallery thermometer (SWGT) is being explored at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as a potential replacement for a standard platinum resistance thermometer (SPRT) for industrial applications that require measurement uncertainties of ≤10 mK. The NIST SWGT uses a synthetic sapphire monocrystalline disk configured as a uniaxial, dielectric resonator with whispering gallery modes between 14 GHz and 20 GHz and with Q-factors as large as 90,000. The prototype SWGT stability at the ice melting point (0 • C) is ≤1 mK with a frequency resolution equivalent to 0.05 mK. The prototype SWGT measurement uncertainty (k= 1) is 10mK from 0 • C to 100 • C for all five resonance modes studied. These results for the SWGT approach the capabilities of industrial resistance thermometers. The SWGT promises greatly increased resistance to mechanical shock relative to SPRTs, over the range from −196 • C to 500 • C while retaining the low uncertainties needed by secondary calibration laboratories. The temperature sensitivity of the SWGT depends upon a well-defined property (the refractive index at microwave frequencies) and the thermal expansion of a pure material. Therefore, it is expected that SWGTs can be calibrated over a wide temperature range using a reference function, along with deviations measured at a few fixed points. This article reports the prototype SWGT stability, resolution, repeatability, and the temperature dependence of five whispering gallery resonance frequencies in the range from 0 • C to 100