The most exciting property of III-N compounds is the widest achievable range of fundamental bandgaps, from the near-IR to deep ultraviolet (UV), which is far from being fully used in optoelectronics, since the fabrication of only lighting and UVA light-emitting diodes (LEDs) (both composed of In-containing compounds) has been successfully commercialized, leading to revolutionary changes in this area. [1][2][3] The best-reported LEDs possess a quantum efficiency as high as 90% at room temperature (RT), whereas the typical value of this parameter for the mass-produced LEDs is about 60% with an output power of up to several tens of Watts, which, nevertheless, exceeds the parameters of incandescent lamps.Development of the semiconductor UV emitters based on (Al,Ga)N compounds for UVB and UVC spectral ranges, having operating wavelengths λ ¼ 280-315 nm and λ ¼ 210-280 nm, respectively, is also of great demand, as portable, energysaving, and environmental-friendly UVC emitters with a tuned operating wavelength are strongly desired for optical disinfection of various pathogens (with λ: 220-265 nm), [4][5][6] optical spectroscopy for detecting biological and chemical agents (in the entire UVC range), [7,8] non-line-ofsight UV-optical communication systems (in the solar-blind range λ < 290 nm), etc. [9] Progress in this field has been achieved over the past 20 years due to the activity of numerous research groups from the University of South Carolina and SETi, [10,11] Riken, [12] Technical University of Berlin and the Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, [13] Sandia National Laboratories and Ohio State University, [14] Nagoya University, [15] Ioffe Institute, [16] etc.