Over a century ago, the study of blackbody radiation led to the development of quantum mechanics. A blackbody is a perfect absorber, absorbing all the electromagnetic light that illuminates it. There is no radiation passing through it, and none is reflected. Now, "bodies" with high absorption qualities are very important in many disciplines of research and technology. Perfect absorbers, for example, can be utilized as photodetectors, thermal pictures, microbolometers, an d thermal photovoltaic solar energy conversion. The Mid-infrared (MIR) wavelength spectrum has numerous advantages in a variety of applications. One of these uses is chemical and biological detection. In this paper, a metasurface mid -IR absorber based on the fractal technology of a doped silicon geometry resonator to realize wideband cross-fractal formation is introduced. The structure exhibits a broadband absorption within a wide range of IR wavelength spectrum extending from 3 to 9 μm. The structure was based on the Sierpinski carpet where different building blocks were simulated to reach the highest absorption. It is shown that light coupling over a broad wavelength range to the proposed fractal metamaterial absorber structure is due to multiple resonance mechanisms at different wavelengths. The propo sed structure is CMOS-compatible. Moreover, this proposed design opens the door to the development of new silicon -based absorbers for different applications such as energy harvesting and photodetection.