Soil stabilization is the method of modifying and improving soil engineering properties. Properly stabilized soil exhibit better bearing capability, shear strength, density and lower permeability, plasticity and shrink-swell characteristics. Soft and expansive soil is grave threat to the existence and safety of the structures constructed over and underneath it. The availability of a suitable stabilizer, which can modify and strengthen the characteristics of weak soil, is vital for the safety and longevity of the structures. It is essential to use such a stabilizer which is cheap, easily available and environment-friendly. Construction and demolition (C&D) debris are solid wastes accessible at construction sites at nominal cost. This study mainly investigates the changes in the soil behaviour, precisely the strength characteristics, on mixing the C&D wastes by replacing the original soil with 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% of the C&D debris respectively. The results demonstrated that up to certain extent the strength characteristics improved. The C&D debris utilization can help in environmental protection and prevention of land and water pollution, which can contribute towards the goal of sustainable development.