A I ready in the year 196 7 Staden referred on the experiments with i rrad iat ion of fresh mushroom fruit-bodies with ionizing radiation in order to prolong their storage period and to rna i nta in their fresh appearance: the caps remained c lased. the su rface didn't change and the flavor after cooking was found to be equal or even slightly better. The influence of garrma rays in dosages 50-800 krad ' s was investigated more profound I y in the years 1970-1975 and the best resu Its were obtai ned with 200 krad 1 s. The number of epiphytic and phytopathogenic m i ere-organisms on the fruit-bodies surfaces decreased, the protease activity In the tissues of the stored irradiated fruit-bodies dec I ined; the inhibition of respiratIon was observed, and fruit-bodIes weight losses during the storage were lower. The test results showed that the fruit-bodies Irradiated with dosaQeS up to 200 krad' s were hyg i en i ca I I y unobject i onab I e. On degustation the irradiated m~shrooms were found more f I avorfu I by the majority of 100 degustat 1 ng spec i a I i sts than the non-irradiated fruit -bodies . On mush room pu rchase the customers prefer the irradiated mushroom fruit-bodie s. The irradiated mushroom can be stored rei i able at the temperature of 5° C for 15 da y s, at \0° C for 10 days. and at 15° C for 7 days.