Based on observations of Van Allen Probe-A during the period from 19 September 2012 to 28 February 2016, the relations of the fast magnetosonic (MS) wave amplitude B w with kp index, the wave normal angle (WNA), and the wave normalized frequency (norF) are presented. Then, we establish an analytical regression model for MS wave amplitude as a function of geomagnetic storm activity (presented by kp index), L-shell (L), magnetic local time (MLT), magnetic latitude (λ), and the characteristics of MS wave, that is, wave norF and WNA. From the analytical B w models, we found MS wave amplitude B w has a positive relation with the intensity of geomagnetic activities both inside and outside the plasmapause, while the B w can reach higher values inside the plasmapause than it does outside the plasmapause as the kp index increases. The B w distribution on the norF demonstrates that most of the wave energies are concentrated on the lower harmonics part, which results from the excitation mechanism of MS waves. In addition, the B w distribution on the WNA shows that the waves with larger normal angles have higher values of wave amplitude. Our analytic MS wave model agrees with the observed distribution in 3-D space of L, MLT, and λ well with high value of determine coefficient R 2. The extended λ dimension will help us to calculate the more accurate bounced averaged diffusion coefficients during particles transit time.