Abstract. The hardness of finding short vectors in ideals of cyclotomic number fields (Ideal-SVP) serves as the worst-case hypothesis underlying the security of numerous cryptographic schemes, including key-exchange, public-key encryption and fully-homomorphic encryption. A series of recent works has shown that, for large approximation factors, Principal Ideal-SVP is not as hard as finding short vectors in general lattices. Namely, there exists a quantum polynomial time algorithm for an approximation factor of exp(Õ( √ n)), even in the worst-case. Some schemes were broken, but more generally this exposed an unexpected hardness gap between general lattices and some structured ones, and called into question the exact security of various assumption over structured lattices.In this work, we generalize the previous result to general ideals. We show an efficient way of finding a close enough principal multiple of any ideal by exploiting the classical theorem that, in our setting, the class-group is annihilated by the (Galois-module action of) the so-called Stickelberger ideal. Under some plausible number-theoretical hypothesis, we conclude that worstcase Ideal-SVP in this same set-up -choice of ring, and approximation factor exp(Õ( √ n)) -is also solvable in quantum polynomial time. Although it is not yet clear whether the security of further cryptosystems is directly affected, we contribute novel ideas to the cryptanalysis of schemes based on structured lattices. Moreover, our result shows a deepening of the gap between general lattices and structured one.