In this paper, we study functional regression and its properties in testing the hypothesis of a constant zero mean function or an unknown constant non-zero mean function. As we show, the associated Wald test statistics have standard chi-square limiting null distributions, standard non-central chi-square distributions for local alternatives converging to zero at a √ n rate, and are consistent against global alternatives. These properties permit computationally convenient tests of hypotheses involving nuisance parameters. In particular, we develop new alternatives to tests for mixture distributions and for regression misspecification, both of which involve nuisance parameters identified only under the alternative. In Monte Carlo studies, we find that our tests have well behaved levels. We find that the new procedures may sacrifice only a modest amount of power compared to procedures like those of Davies (1987), which fully exploit the covariance structure of the Gaussian processes underlying our statistics. Further, functional regression tests can have power better than existing methods that do not exploit this covariance structure, like the specification testing procedures of Bierens (1982Bierens ( , 1990 or Stinchcombe and White (1998).