We consider a modified Brans-Dicke theory in which except the usual Brans-Dicke parameter a new dimensionful parameter appears which modifies the kinetic term of the scalar field coupled to gravity. Solving the coupled Einstein-Klein-Gordon equations we find new spherically symmetric solutions. Depending on the choices of the parameters these solutions reduce to the Schwarzschild solution of General Relativity and they give new wormhole solutions which depend on the new parameter.PACS numbers:
I. INTRODUCTIONScalar fields play an important role in the General Relativity (GR) on short and large distances. On short distances they are dressing the local black hole solutions with scalar hair and they provide wormhole solutions while on large distances they describe the early inflationary universe and also its late-times cosmic evolution. In a attempt to provide a viable theory of gravity and to cure certain inconsistencies of GR, scalar-tensor theories were introduced. As it is well known, Brans-Dicke theory (BD) [1] is one of the first scalar-tensor gravity theories that modifies GR in a viable way and respects Mach's principle and weak equivalence principle (WEP). In this theory there is an effective Newtonian gravitational constant G which is the inverse of the scalar field, G ∼ 1 φ . It is characterized by a new dimensionless coupling constant ω large values of which mean a significant contribution from the tensor part, while scalar field contribution is important for small values. GR is recovered in the limit ω → ∞.It is interesting to note that BD theory appears in supergravity models such as in string theory at low-energies or in the Kaluza-Klein theories after a dimensional reduction process [2]. These theories yield the correct Newtonian weak-field limit, but care should be taken when one studies these theories and compare their predictions with GR. In general scalar fields, depending on their coupling to gravity, mediate fifth forces. In the case of BD solar system measurements of post-Newtonian corrections require that ω is larger than a few thousands [3]. Therefore in these theories scalar fields should accommodate a mechanism to suppress the scalar interaction on small scales. There are various screening mechanisms to suppress scalar interactions on small scales. One of the basic screening mechanism is the Vainshtein mechanism [4] which was developed for the massive gravity (for an extensive review on the Vainshtein mechanism in massive gravity see [5]).On large scales, ω gets substantially lower values in a model dependent way [6], from cosmological observations. On the other side, the gravitational coupling may depends on the scale [7], having different value at local and at cosmological scale. In this case ω can be smaller at cosmological scales giving deviations from GR, while agreement with local tests is preserved. Special solutions on BD cosmology have been given in [8] which are generalizations of the dust solution first given by Brans-Dicke. In [9] special radiation solutions for spatially curve...