Labour, entrepreneurship, and technology are important components in the success of GDP Per capita, the existing workforce is not only fixated by numbers but also must be focused on quality to have a significant impact, in addition to the ability and desire of a nation to grow interested in becoming entrepreneurs. This research base on Solow and Swan's Theory said that economic growth was influenced by the growth of production factors such as population, labor, and capital accumulation, as well as the level of technological progress described in the development of knowledge. There is an element of technological progress in the Solow-Swan model which is the main differentiator from the Harrod-Domar growth model. This study used 42 observers consisting of 7 ASEAN countries, namely; Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, and Cambodia, using multiple linear regression and using classical assumption test. The research method in this study uses multiple linear regression of panel data, using the classical assumption test. To get the best model, the data will be tested for Pool Effect, Fix Effect and Random Effects Models, while the determination of the best model is based on the results of the Chow and Hausman tests. The results are shown that labor does not have a significant influence on GDP Per Capita revenue, while the entrepreneurship Index (GEI) and Technology Index (GII) variables have a positive and significant impact on GDP Per Capita revenue. The workforce hasn't affected, which is broadly described in this study because the absorption of labor has not been optimal or the provision of jobs whose proportions are not balanced with the number of the workforce.