In Part 1, the scaling of the streamwise velocity energy spectra in turbulent boundary layers was considered. A spectral decomposition analysis provided a means to separate out attached and non-attached eddy contributions and was used to generate three spectral sub-components, one of which is a close representation of the spectral signature induced by self-similar, wall-attached turbulence. Since sub-components of the streamwise turbulence intensity u 2 follow directly from the integrated components of the velocity energy spectra, we here focus on the scaling of the former. Specific attention is given to the potential k −1x behaviour in spectra, at ultra-high Re τ , and its relation with the turbulence intensity adhering to a wall-normal logarithmic decay per Townsend's attached-eddy hypothesis. This decay with a Townsend-Perry constant of A 1 = 0.98 is suggested to be universal across all Reynolds numbers considered. It is also demonstrated how the logarithmic-region results are consistent with the Reynolds-number increase of the streamwise turbulence intensity in the near-wall region.