This paper presents a versatile tunable voltage-mode biquadratic filter with five inputs and three outputs. The proposed filter enjoys five single-ended output operational transconductance amplifiers (OTAs) and two grounded capacitors. The filter can be easily transformed into a quadrature oscillator. The filter with grounded capacitors is resistorless and electronically tunable. Either a voltage-mode five-input single-output biquadratic filter or a voltage-mode single-input three-output biquadratic filter can be operated by appropriate selecting input and output terminals. In the operation of five-input single-output biquadratic filter, the non-inverting lowpass, non-inverting bandpass, inverting bandpass, inverting highpass, non-inverting bandreject, inverting bandreject, and non-inverting allpass filtering responses can be realized by appropriately applying the input voltage signals. In the operation of single-input three-output biquadratic filter, the non-inverting/inverting lowpass, bandpass and bandreject filtering responses can be realized simultaneously. The circuit provides independent adjustment of the resonance angular frequency and quality factor, high-input impedance, and no inverting-type input voltage signals are imposed. The application in quadrature oscillator exhibits independent electronic tuning characteristic of the oscillation condition and the oscillation frequency. The theoretical analysis has been verified through OrCAD PSpice and furthermore by experimental measurements.