The scarcity of fuel oil in Indonesia often occurs due to delays in delivery caused by natural factors or transportation constraints. Theaim of this research is to develop systems of fuel distribution monitoring online and realtime using rule base reasoning method and radio frequency identification technology. The rule-based reasoning method is used as a rule-based reasoning model used for monitoring distribution and determine rule-based safety stock. The monitoring system program is run with a web-based computer application. Radio frequency identification technology is used by utilizing radio waves as an media identification. This technology is used as a system of tracking and gathering information from objects automatically. The research data uses data of delayed distribution of fuel from fuel terminal to consumer. The monitoring technique uses the time of departure, the estimated time to arrive, the route / route passed by a fuel tanker attached to the radio frequency Identification tag. This monitoring system is carried out by the radio frequency identification reader connected online at any gas station or specified position that has been designed with study case in Semarang. The results of the research covering the status of rule based reasoning that sends status, that is timely and appropriate paths, timely and truncated pathways, late and on track, late and cut off, and tank lost. The monitoring system is also used in determining the safety stock warehouse, with the safety stock value determined based on the condition of the stock warehouse rules.Keywords : Rule-Based Reasoning; Radio Frequency Identification; Safety Stock; Fuel Oil
AbstrakKelangkaan bahan bakar minyak di Indonesia sering terjadi karena ada keterlambatan pengiriman yang disebabkan oleh faktor alam atau kendala transportasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan sistem monitoring distribusi bahan bakar minyak secara online dan realtime dengan metode rule base reasoning dan teknologi radio frequency identification. Metode rule based reasoning digunakan sebagai model penalaran berbasis aturan yang digunakan untuk monitoring distribusi dan menetapkan rule based safety stock. Teknologi radio frequency identification digunakan dengan memanfaatkan gelombang radio sebagai media identifikasi. Teknologi ini digunakan sebagai sistem pelacakan dan pengumpulan informasi dari obyek secara otomatis. Program sistem monitoring dijalankan dengan aplikasi komputer berbasis web. Data penelitian menggunakan data keterlambatan pendistribusian bahan bakar dari terminal bahan bakar ke konsumen. Teknik monitoring mengggunakan waktu keberangkatan, perkiraan waktu sampai, sampai, rute / jalur yang dilewati oleh truk tangki bahan bakar yang terpasang tag radio frequency identification. Sistem monitoring ini dilakukan oleh reader radio frequency identification yang terhubung secara online di setiap Statiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar Umum atau posisi tertentu yang telah dirancang dengan studi kasus di Semarang. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa status dari pena...