Genetics and Epigenetics are the integral parts of homeostasis. But it remains unrealistic to assess the health or disease status of the individuals at the genetic or epigenetic level. Fortunately, numerous variables related to homeostasis and allostasis are measurable genetic expressions (phenotypes), thus we are relying primarily on vital signs, somatotype, exercise performance, quantifiable biomarkers, etc., without investigating the exact favorable and unfavorable epigenetics. In view of the aggravating uncertainties created by asymptomatic and symptomatic transmission of infections, an immunological classification system (preferably based on ‘Exercise Tolerance Diversity’) should be discovered as it becomes necessary to quantitatively measure the immunologic strengths of humans in all the phases of life cycle. In fact, large amounts of literatures reveal apoptosis as one of the crucial cellular mechanisms that can either promote or ruin the health of humans. No organ or specialized cell or physiologic process in the body operates on its own, thus apoptosis also must happen in response to homeostatic fluctuations. Both health and disease operate on a multifactorial background. Though the data is limited, the empirical evidences show recurrent illness history among the individuals who undergo structured exercises associated with significant improvements as compared to their baseline exercise tolerance standards. Meticulous homeostatic apoptosis can be expected if exercises are supported by appropriate healthy lifestyle. In contrary, erroneous allostatic apoptosis is inevitable if exercises are unsupported by appropriate healthy lifestyle, Thus, in combination with ‘health risk habits’, both sedentary and overtraining conditions can elevate the allostatic load and disrupt the optimal apoptotic regulation of the body. Elevation of allostatic load and morbidities can also be caused by psychological issues (exercise addiction, anorexia nervosa/bulimia), and in general, among all those who excessively or solely depend on pharmaceutical interventions associated with reluctance or ignorance to rectify the impediments in lifestyle. At the cellular level, the enjoyability and productivity of human life depends on durable homeostatic stability regulated by faultless apoptosis. This article aims at critically analyzing apoptosis and lifestyle.
Keywords: Apoptosis, Lifestyle medicine, Immunology, Epigenetics, Exercise, Homeostasis, Allostasis