The article analyzes pragmatic types of criticism in English-language research articles in Psychology, whereas the research article is considered to be the leading genre of English-language scientific discourse. The issue has been studied in a corpus of 35 English-language research articles in Psychology published in scientific journals of the UK and the USA. The methods used in the research include definitive, text, text-interpretation, component, pragmatic-functional, quantitative analysis, as well as cognitive-discursive interpretation method. According to the obtained results, the pragmatic potential of criticism in the English-language research article in Psychology is represented by modifications of negative evaluation, which form not two types of criticism as indicated in other studies that deal with pragmatic types of academic criticism, but three types, which include: weak criticism, moderate criticism, and strong criticism. In order to determine modifications of expressing negative evaluation in critical remarks we used their formal features (extendedness / unextendedness of a critical remark), content features (belonging of a critical remark to the personal / impersonal type), means of negative evaluation (explicit (lexical or lexico-grammatical) means of negative evaluation, implicit means of negative evaluation), the use of hedges and boosters. Weak criticism in research articles in Psychology is verbalized with unextended, impersonal critical remarks that have explicit lexico-gramamtical means of negative evaluation or, less often, implicit means of