Rhodopsin (Rho) has been extracted in n-dodecyl -Dmaltoside (DM) from bovine retinal rod outer segments and purified to homogeneity by affinity chromatography on concanavalin A-Sepharose. Because chemical cross-linking of Rho and photoactivated Rho (Rho*) provided initial evidence for the oligomeric nature of the photoreceptor protein, we carried out a hydrodynamic characterization of the native and activated conformations of detergent-solubilized Rho. The molecular weights of the complexes between dark and photoexcited states of Rho and DM were determined by gel filtration chromatography on Sephacryl S-300, in the presence of 0.1% DM. Subtracting the size of the corresponding detergent micelles resulted in molecular masses of 78 kDa for native Rho and 76 kDa for Rho*. The measured content of 0.97 g of detergent/g of protein resulted in a calculated partial specific volume of 0.765 cm 3 /g for the protein-detergent complex and a molar mass of 64 -65 kDa for the protein moiety. The sizes of Rho⅐DM and Rho*⅐DM complexes were also evaluated by sedimentation on 10 -30% sucrose gradients, in the presence of 0.1% DM, and molecular masses of about 60 kDa were estimated for both the dark-and light-activated states of the photoreceptor protein. The size of Rho was determined to be 65,300 and 69,800 Da, respectively, when the purified Rho⅐DM complex was either chromatographed on Sephacryl S-300 or ultracentrifuged on sucrose gradients in the absence of DM. All these results were consistent with a dimeric quaternary structure for both conformations of Rho. Additionally, the functional integrity of the purified photoreceptor protein following gel filtration chromatography and ultracentrifugation was demonstrated by three criteria as follows: (i) its characteristic UV-visible absorption spectra, (ii) its capability to photoactivate transducin, and (iii) its ability to serve as a substrate for rhodopsin kinase.G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) 1 are a large group of integral membrane proteins that respond to environmental signals and initiate transduction pathways that activate cellular processes. In general, the activation of the receptor by binding of an extracellular signal or by light absorption triggers a conformational change in its structure, which then activates a peripherally membrane-associated heterotrimeric G protein. One of the most important unanswered questions is how these receptors operate and couple to their cognate G proteins. A growing body of recent pharmacological, biochemical, and biophysical data strongly suggests that GPCRs are organized as functional homo-and heterodimers as well as higher order oligomers (1, 2). Oligomerization of GPCRs may cluster these receptors in particular regions of the membrane. This process could be critical for the proper kinetics of GPCR signaling, selectivity, desensitization, and internalization. Receptor maturation during biosynthesis and translocation to the plasma membrane could also benefit from oligomerization (3). Additionally, the formation of heteromers may ex...