“… Lockard, Daley and Gunderson (1979) first suggested that cradling on the left side could help mothers in the appraisal of the emotional state of infants. In particular, mothers might take advantage of the more direct projections to their right hemisphere, which is specialized for recognizing emotional facial expressions ( Borod et al, 1998 ; Gainotti, 2012 ; Prete, Capotosto, Zappasodi, & Tommasi, 2018 ). On the contrary, the reversal of the typical lateral cradling pattern seems to be associated with depression, stress, and anxiety in mothers ( de Château, Holmberg, & Winberg, 1978 ; Morgan, Hunt, Sieratzki, Woll, & Tomlinson, 2018 ; Reissland, Hopkins, Helms, & Williams, 2009 ; Suter, Huggenberger, Blumenthal, & Schachinger, 2011 ; Suter, Huggenberger, & Schächinger, 2007 ; Weatherill et al, 2004 ).…”