While technical considerations in lung transplantation for Kartagener syndrome have been discussed, little information is available about the postoperative morphological changes of the grafted lungs. Herein, we discuss both the technical aspects and postoperative morphological adaptation of the grafted lungs in a case of Kartagener syndrome. A 46-year-old male patient with Kartagener syndrome underwent bilateral cadaveric lung transplantation. The right arterial anastomosis for transplantation of the size-matched grafts required technical elaboration. After the transplantation, we found a free space in the cardiac notch of the left lung and partial collapse of the lower lobe of the right lung due to dextrocardia. Follow-up computed tomography performed on day 42 after the transplantation demonstrated resolution of the atelectasis and morphological adaptation of the grafts into the recipient's chest cavity with dextrocardia. Considering such early morphological adaptation of size-matched grafts, lobar reduction could be avoided in lung transplantation for Kartagener syndrome.