In organic chemistry, saturated carbon is known to bond to four ligands tetrahedrally, as first recognized independently by J. H. vant Hoff and J. A. Le Bel in 1874. However, after the proposal by Hoffmann and co-workers of tetracoordinate planar carbon in 1970, [1] extensive experimental and theoretical efforts were made to search for so-called anti-vant Hoff/ anti-Le Bel molecules (for recent reviews, see references [2][3][4]). In particular, the first experimental and theoretical realization of pentaatomic planar-coordinated carbon species in 1999 and 2000, [5][6][7][8] which confirmed earlier theoretical predictions, [9,10] has stimulated renewed interest in designing new tetracoordinate [11,12] and even hypercoordinate planar carbon molecules. [13][14][15][16] Notably, a series of hypercoordinate planar carbon species with boron ligands have been proposed. [13-15, 16a,c,e] Although none of these species is the global minimum on the potentialenergy surfaces, it has been suggested that they may be viable experimentally. The two proposed hexa-and heptacoordinate carbon species are D 6h CB 6 2À [13a,b,d, 14c, 15] and D 7h CB 7 À , [13b, 14c] respectively. The CB 7 À species is isoelectronic to B 8 2À , which we have shown previously to have a global-minimum D 7h structure with a heptacoordinate boron atom. [17][18][19][20] The D 7h CB 7 À can be viewed as replacing the central B À ion in B 82À by a C atom. Herein we report serendipitous experimental observation of CB 7 À . It was investigated by photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) and ab initio calculations, which showed that the observed species is a C 2v CB 7 À ion in which the C atom replaces a B À ion at the rim of the D 7h B 8 2À molecular wheel.The experiment was performed with a laser-vaporization cluster source and a magnetic-bottle photoelectron spectrometer (see Experimental Section).[21] We recently modified our cluster source by adding a 10-cm-long and 0.3-cm-diameter stainless steel tube to enhance cluster cooling.[22] We were using boron clusters, which we have previously investigated extensively, [17][18][19][20][23][24][25][26][27][28] to test the new cluster-source conditions. A 10 B-enriched disk target containing a small amount of Au was used as the laser-vaporization target.[23] Under certain conditions, when the vaporization laser was not perfectly aligned, we noted that in addition to the pure boron clusters we were also able to produce clusters containing one or two carbon atoms, as shown in Figure 1. The carbon most likely originated from impingement of the slightly misaligned vaporization laser beam on the stainless steel tubing. The trace amount of carbon contamination was ideal to produce boron clusters doped with only one or two carbon atoms, and the beam condition was stable and reproducible.The peak of the CB 7 À cluster is particularly intense with abundance as strong as those of the nearby pure B x À clusters (Figure 1). Its photoelectron spectra at two detachment laser wavelengths are shown in Figure 2. The 193-nm spectrum rev...