Recent advancements in the embedded systems field have resulted in more complicated systems with application-specific blocks (IP cores), often known as System on Chip (SoC) devices. Several redundancy-based embedded designs provide reliability and safety for SoC in aeronautics, automotive, industrial automation, railway, and space. In this paper, a Safety System-on-Chip heterogenous1oo2 architecture is presented. The design is based on two open-source and proven in-use cores, LEON3 from Cobham Gaisler and RISCV processors SweRV EH1 from Western Digital. The SoC is implemented on a Xilinx FPGA system and supplemented with conventional peripherals from the Xilinx IP library and Cobham Gaisler. A software comparator is included for a diagnostic. Each core has independent IPs, and the software comparator evaluates data from both cores; in case of deviation, the system is rendered to an energized safe state.