Abstract In Each activity in the oil and gas industry there are risks that could hamper the project and also there is a huge risk to the environment, social and economic. Besides oil and gas industry projects also have the potential to be dangerous to life, property and the environment, the hazard can occur if the activity is not controlled and regulated by appropriate. Basically, the disaster is certainly not possible to be planned and can occur at any time. But the circumstances of a disaster can be anticipated, that is the way to plan preventive measures and control.Based on the description above, this paper aims to discuss risk factors and risk assessment techniques that can help sustainable development programs. From the results of this study note that the risk factors of projects in the oil and gas industry is very complex, so a risk analysis must be done from various aspects, namely the project itself, the environment and disaster and should be integrated with aspects of sustainable development. As for the suggested technique is a combination of monte carlo and system dynamics.
KeywordsSustainable Development, Risk Assessment Techniques, Combination Monte Carlo and System DynamicsAbstrak Dalam setiap kegiatan di industri minyak dan gas ada risiko yang dapat menghambat proyek dan juga ada risiko besar terhadap lingkungan, sosial dan ekonomi. Selain proyek industri migas juga berpotensi membahayakan kehidupan, properti dan lingkungan, bahaya bisa terjadi jika aktivitasnya tidak terkontrol dan diatur dengan tepat. Pada dasarnya, bencana ini tentu tidak mungkin direncanakan dan bisa terjadi kapan saja. Namun keadaan bencana dapat diantisipasi, itulah cara untuk merencanakan tindakan pencegahan dan pengendalian. Berdasarkan uraian di atas, makalah ini bertujuan untuk membahas faktor risiko dan teknik penilaian risiko yang dapat membantu program pembangunan berkelanjutan. Dari hasil penelitian ini diketahui bahwa faktor risiko proyek di industri minyak dan gas bumi sangat kompleks sehingga analisis risiko harus dilakukan dari berbagai aspek, yaitu proyek itu sendiri, lingkungan dan bencana dan harus diintegrasikan.