Despite the significant reduction decades ago in sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI), decline of rates has slowed and stalled in some countries, including the USA. This led to an appreciation of ethnic variations in SUDI rates and the need to increase cultural sensitivity regarding sleep practices and circumstantial factors of SUDI. The study explored SUDI-related factors, in journal articles from two geo-cultural regions (Asian and Western countries), particularly for factors related to infant sleep practices.
A systematic review was conducted to identify SUDI-related factors in articles from PubMed, Scopus, and the Korean Citation Index from January 1992 to April 2019. From each article, SUDI-related factors were retrieved and categorized through the identification, aggregation, and categorization of factors into the areas of the triple risk model (TRM) of SUDI by their meanings and commonality. Significant trends in the frequency of factors were analyzed across time and between the two geo-cultural regions (Asian and Western countries) of article.
From a review of 218 articles (38 Asian and 180 Western articles), 84 SUDI-related factors were identified: 39 factors for TRM 1, 44 factors for TRM 2, and one factor for TRM 3. Four of the top-ranked 10 factors were found in both cultural zones: sleep position, male sex, bed-sharing, and genetics. Both cultural zones identified sleep position (44.0%), bed-sharing (22.0%), and rooming-in (16.5%) as the three most important sleep-related factors for SUDI. Variations between the cultural zones were observed in the place of SUDI occurrence, overheating, swaddling or bedding standards, and smoking.
Regardless of the urgent need to identify SUDI-related factors in low-SUDI societies, Asian cultures showed a significant lack of articles on SUDI. Several sociocultural issues were recognized such as the meaning of bed-sharing and rooming-in, along with residential styles and traditional health beliefs on sleep-related SUDI factors. Particularly little attention towards smoking was found in Asian articles in terms of frequency, suggesting the need to enhance SUDI reduction strategies by incorporating gender-sensitive smoking cessation interventions. This review of SUDI factors requests child health professionals to be alert to sociocultural variations in sleep practices and SUDI factors.