“…Decolonization with mupirocin ointment, pre-op patient skin cleansing, pre-op patient hair removal, blood transfusions, standard antibiotic prophylaxis (SAP), standard antibiotic prophylaxis (SAP) prolongation, additional preoperative considerations, patient educationIntraoperative CareSterile technique, surgical attire, surgical hand antisepsis, surgical site skin antisepsis, antibiotic prophylaxis, air quality, traffic patterns, prevention of hypothermia, sterilization of surgical instrumentsPostoperative CarePostoperative incisional care, postoperative skeletal pin care, postoperative care uses of negative pressure wound therapy, disinfection of non-critical items postoperative patient and family education https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/rjmhs.v6i3 13. Rwanda Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences Vol.…”