Introduction: Multiple Systematic Atrophy (MSA) whose incidences virtually doubled within a decade, coinciding with major rises in total neurological mortality in the developed world. Aetiology of neurological diseases is linked to various `Possible Occupations Linked' (POL) to neurological disease-Electronics and IT; Engineering, Chemicals, Solvents. Two inconsistent findings-electric shock and head injury have been reported by many MSA patients. This pilot study analyses differences between MSA patients and general population in regard to occupation and incidence of electric shock and head injury. Methodology: Two-year cohort of MSA patients attending support groups completed a one page self-administered questionnaire. It explored age, sex, occupation and electric shock and head injury, contrasted with estimates in the General Public, occupations were determined from ONS data, from which odds ratios of patients and general population were calculated. Results: Of 88 patients, 34% were aged under 60;56% occupations were POL compared to 24% in regional population; one in 1.52 MSA patients reported head injury and 1:3.26 electric shock. This yielded odd ratios of patients to general population of 1:91.4 and 1:589.9 respectively. Patents with Other occupations had significantly more trauma than POL patients. Discussion: Despite the limits of the study 34% of the cohort were relatively young for neurological disease, double the `possible occupational links' to neurological disease than the general population and substantially higher trauma incidence. This pilot study indicates the need for a more focused analysis of possible tripping contributory factors in the aetiology of MSA.