SUDEP is the first cause of mortality related to epilepsy. However, in Spain there are no published cases or series from Epilepsy Monitoring Units that could expose the characteristics of SUDEP in our population. Method: We reviewed all patients treated at our Spanish Epilepsy Reference Centre who died between 2010-2018. SUDEP cases were classified as definite, probable, possible or near-SUDEP. Epilepsy type, demographics and case detection issues were described. Results: From 1250 evaluated patients, 102 died during the study period. Seven patients were diagnosed with SUDEP or near-SUDEP: two definite SUDEP, one definite SUDEP plus, two probable SUDEP and two near-SUDEP. Specific problems for detection and registration of SUDEP inherent to the Spanish healthcare system and the legal framework were defined. Only 43% of cases were known by the referral neurologist. SUDEP incidence was 1.3 per 1000 patient/year, comprising 0.56% of all deaths in our cohort. Two cases were female, the average age was 36 years (18-61). All patients had focal epilepsy and suffered from generalized tonic-clonic seizures. All witnessed cases occurred after a focal to bilateral tonic-clonic seizure. Four cases occurred during sleep and all non-witnessed cases were found in prone position. One case occurred during video-EEG monitoring. Conclusions: Our casuistic represents the first Epilepsy Monitoring Unit based case series of SUDEP conducted in Spain. The incidence in our population agrees with the reported in other countries. However, in our population, SUDEP is probably underdiagnosed due to administrative and legal issues.