The enzymatic activity of Escherichia coli endo-RNase III determines the stability of a subgroup of mRNA species, including bdm, betT, and proU, whose protein products are associated with the cellular response to osmotic stress. Here, we report that the stability of proP mRNA, which encodes a transporter of osmoprotectants, is controlled by RNase III in response to osmotic stress. We observed that steady-state levels of proP mRNA and ProP protein are inversely correlated with cellular RNase III activity and, in turn, affect the proline uptake capacity of the cell. In vitro and in vivo analyses of proP mRNA revealed RNase III cleavage sites in a stem-loop within the 5= untranslated region present only in proP mRNA species synthesized from the osmoregulated P1 promoter. Introduction of nucleotide substitutions in the cleavage site identified inhibited the ribonucleolytic activity of RNase III on proP mRNA, increasing the steady-state levels and half-life of the mRNA. In addition, decreased RNase III activity coincided with a significant increase in both the half-life and abundance of proP mRNA under hyperosmotic stress conditions. Analysis of the RNA bound to RNase III via in vivo cross-linking and immunoprecipitation indicated that this phenomenon is related to the decreased RNA binding capacity of RNase III. Our findings suggest the existence of an RNase III-mediated osmoregulatory network that rapidly balances the expression levels of factors associated with the cellular response to osmotic stress in E. coli.
IMPORTANCEOur results demonstrate that RNase III activity on proP mRNA degradation is downregulated in Escherichia coli cells under osmotic stress. In addition, we show that the downregulation of RNase III activity is associated with decreased RNA binding capacity of RNase III under hyperosmotic conditions. In particular, our findings demonstrate a link between osmotic stress and RNase III activity, underscoring the growing importance of posttranscriptional regulation in modulating rapid physiological adjustment to environmental changes.
The enzymatic properties and physiological roles of RNase III family enzymes are evolutionarily well conserved in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes (1-3). These enzymes are double-stranded-RNA-specific endo-RNases that create 5=-phosphate and 3=-hydroxyl termini with two-nucleotide overhangs. Genome-wide analyses of Escherichia coli transcripts indicated that the abundance of a large number of mRNA species is regulated by RNase III (4, 5). The abundance of several E. coli mRNA transcripts is dependent on the endoribonucleolytic activity of RNase III, including rnc (6), pnp (7), bdm (8), betT (9), corA (10), proU (11), mltD (12), and rng (4). Studies indicate that a subgroup of mRNA transcripts encoding factors associated with the cellular response of E. coli to osmotic stress is regulated by RNase III (8, 9, 11). The mechanisms of RNase III-mediated regulation of bdm (8), betT (9), and proU (11) have been identified. Specifically, RNase III controls the degradation o...