The microbial diversity encompassed by the environmental biosphere is largely unexplored, although it represents an extensive source of new knowledge and potentially of novel enzymatic catalysts for biotechnological applications. To determine the taxonomy of microorganisms, proteotyping by tandem mass spectrometry has proved its efficiency. Its latest extension, phylopeptidomics, adds a biomass quantitation perspective for mixtures of microorganisms. Here, we present an application of phylopeptidomics to rapidly and sensitively screen microorganisms sampled from an industrial environment, i.e., a pool where radioactive material is stored. The power of this methodology is demonstrated through the identification of both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, whether as pure isolates or present as mixtures or consortia. In this study, we established accurate taxonomical identification of environmental prokaryotes belonging to the Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, and Proteobacteria phyla, as well as eukaryotes from the Ascomycota phylum. The results presented illustrate the potential of tandem mass spectrometry proteotyping, in particular phylopeptidomics, to screen for and rapidly identify microorganisms.