In minimally invasive endovascular procedures, surgeons rely on catheters with low dexterity and high aspect ratios to reach an anatomical target. However, the environment inside the beating heart presents a combination of challenges unique to few anatomic locations, making it difficult for interventional tools to maneuver dexterously and apply substantial forces on an intracardiac target. We demonstrate a millimeter-scale soft robotic platform that can deploy and self-stabilize at the entrance to the heart, and guide existing interventional tools toward a target site. In two exemplar intracardiac procedures within the right atrium, the robotic platform provides enough dexterity to reach multiple anatomical targets, enough stability to maintain constant contact on motile targets, and enough mechanical leverage to generate newton-level forces. Because the device addresses ongoing challenges in minimally invasive intracardiac intervention, it may enable the further development of catheter-based interventions.