Large wind turbines experience amplified asymmetrical loads at
particular harmonics of the rotational frequency. Individual pitch
control (IPC) has emerged as a potential controls solution to this
problem. H ∞ control, which facilitates robust, multivariable controller
synthesis in the frequency domain, is a candidate approach to IPC design
for several reasons. Firstly, the objectives of asymmetrical load
attenuation are best described in the frequency domain. Secondly, the
IPC control signals and loads in orthogonal directions are coupled,
which necessitates a multivariable controller approach. Thirdly, H ∞
synthesis is a method that can explicitly impose constraints on the
robustness of the closed-loop system. A downside of IPC is the
significant increase in blade-pitch travel incurred, which introduces
additional loading on the blade-pitch bearings over time. We investigate
strategies to constrain the blade-pitch travel in the controller tuning
procedure. A comprehensive study is thus presented for a range of H ∞
-synthesized IPCs to attenuate asymmetrical loads on large rotors at
harmonics of the rotational frequency while mitigating blade-pitch
travel. All developed controllers are validated and compared using a 25
MW fixed-bottom offshore wind turbine model via linear analysis of the
robustness of the closed-loop system to input and output disturbances
and nonlinear analysis via the study of structural load power spectra,
damage-equivalent loads (DEL), and the actuator duty cycle (ADC) of the
blade-pitch actuator.