The sample quantile has a long history in statistics. The aim of this thesis is to explore some further applications of quantiles as simple, convenient and robust alternatives to classical procedures. The first application we consider is estimating confidence intervals for quantile regression coefficients, however, the core of this thesis is the development of a new, quantile based, robust scale estimator and its extension to autocovariance estimation in the time series setting and precision matrix estimation in the multivariate setting.Chapter 1 addresses the need for reliable confidence intervals for quantile regression coefficients, particularly in small samples. The existing methods for constructing confidence intervals tend to be based on complex asymptotic arguments and little is known about their finite sample performance. We consider taking xy-pair bootstrap samples and calculating the corresponding quantile regression coefficient estimates for each sample. Instead of estimating a covariance matrix based on these bootstrap samples, our approach is to take the appropriate upper and lower quantiles of the bootstrap sample estimates as the bounds of the confidence interval. The resulting confidence interval estimate is not necessarily symmetric, only covers admissible parameter values and is shown to have good coverage properties. This work demonstrates the competitive performance of our quantile based approach in a broad range of model designs with a focus on small and moderate sample sizes. These results were published in [5].A reliable estimate of the scale of the residuals from a regression model is often of interest, whether it be parametrically estimating confidence intervals, determining a goodness-of-fit measure, performing model selection, or identifying