These notes consist of two parts. In the first one I present a counter example to Proposition 3 of Anbarci & Sun (2013). In the second part I propose a correction based on an axiom similar to one used by Salonen (1988) in the first axiomatization of the Discrete Raiffa solution. * Counterexample and correction for Proposition 3 in N. Anbarci and C.-j. Sun (2013): Robustness of Intermediate Agreements and Bargaining Solutions Games and Economic Behavior, 77,[367][368][369][370][371][372][373][374][375][376]
Basic Definitions and AxiomsThis section is mainly an extract of relevant parts of the respective section in Anbarci and Sun (2013) supplemented by some remarks and an axiom from Salonen (1988).
Basic DefinitionsAn n-person (bargaining) problem is a pair (S, d), where S ⊂ R n is the set of utility possibilities that the players can achieve through cooperation and d ∈ S is the disagreement point, which is the utility allocation that results if no agreement is reached. For all S, let IR(S, d) := {x ∈ S|x ≥ d} be the set of individually rational utility allocations.
Letbe the class of all n-person problems satisfying the following:(1) The set S is compact, convex and comprehensive.(2) x > d for some x ∈ S It will be convenient to consider also˜ , the set of all bargaining problems satisfying just(1).Denote the ideal point of (S,Denote by b and m the restrictions ofb andm to ⊂˜ , respectively.A solution on˜ is a functionf :˜ −→ R n such that for all (S, d) ∈˜ we havẽ f (S, d) ∈ S. The restriction off to ⊂˜ is denoted f and is called a solution on .Consider any bargaining problem (S, d) ∈˜ . The game (H S , d) ∈˜ defined by H S : = co {d,b 1 (S, d)e 1 , ...,b n (S, d)e n }, with e i , i = 1, ..., n the canonical unit vectors of R n , is the "largest hyperplane game contained" in (S, d). The game (H S ,m(S, d)) is an element of˜ \ .
Given any bargaining problem (S, d) ∈and a solution f :Notice, that this definition employed by Anbarci and Sun (2013) makes use of the assumption that (S, d ) ∈ . Therefore for the game
AxiomsFirst I introduce the three axioms of Anbarci and Sun (2013) relevant for my analysis.Then I formulate for the present context and in the present terminology of Anbarci and Sun an axiom due to Salonen (1988) that is crucial for the announced correction in the second part of this note. Let f : −→ R n be a solution on .
Midpoint Domination (MD)Independence of Non-Midpoint-Dominating Alternatives (INMD):As Anbarci and Sun (2013) stress the hypothesis of INMD implies: Salonen (1988) was the first article to my best knowledge that provided in his Theorem 2 an axiomatization of the Discrete Raiffa solution on the set˜ of bargaining problems. The three axioms he is using are anonymity, covariance under affine transformations and an axiom, that he called Second Decomposability axiom.
Robustness of Intermediate Agreements in theIn the context of rather than˜ and the terminology of Anbarci and Sun this axiom can be restated as:Based on this insight an axiomatization of the Raiffa solution via repeat...